12 August 2012

My last days in Paraguay.

I had my last days at the Escuela Agrícola this week and am now waiting in Asunción until my flight Monday night back to the states. I still have some work to finish up for my internship, but I mostly feel like my time here was very enlightening and I am ready to move on.

The half-birthday/farewell party group.
On Thursday we celebrated Amos' 4.5 years old birthday, which turned into a farewell party for me with school staff and volunteers in attendance. It was a great surprise and fun to help prepare and consume some delicious food. I am so excited to be in control of my own diet once I return to the states and have fresh produce and a kitchen at my disposal instead of eating three meals a day in a boarding school dining hall! Leah and John, the US couple living at the Escuela Agrícola, cooked an amazing meal and passed on some great recipes to me as I lived with them for my last few days at the school. Pan de queso, chipa paraguaya, soy milk, yogurt...

The half-birthday boy and me.
Goodbyes are never fun, especially when you do not know when/if you will ever see someone again. Here are some pictures of the wonderful people at the Escuela Agrícola who made my time there interesting, fun, and educational.

Deysi, horticulture teacher
Michelle, Peace Corps volunteer
Jorge Guerrero, horticulture teacher
I look forward to seeing all you state-side people soon and enjoying some blackberries and blueberries!

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